昨日、米国の労働省から1月の米国雇用統計が発表されました。ヘッドラインとなる季節調整済みの非農業部門雇用者数の前月差増減は、市場の事前コンセンサスでは+150千人程の増加を見込んでいたところ、政府部門を含めてわずか+36千人、民間部門に限っても+50千人の増加にとどまった一方で、同じく季節調整済みの失業率は12月の9.4%から9.0%に低下しました。さらにその前の昨年11月が9.8%でしたから、急ピッチで失業率が低下しているように見えます。まず、New York Times のサイトから記事を最初の6パラだけ引用すると以下の通りです。
In a Snowy January, Job Numbers Fail to Take Off
The United States labor market is still having trouble achieving liftoff.
Payrolls expanded by 36,000 jobs in January, a sharp decline from recent months and well below consensus forecasts.
But the picture painted by the Department of Labor's monthly snapshot of the job market was confounded by a drop in the unemployment rate to 9 percent, the lowest it has been since April 2009. That was mainly because that rate is calculated using a different survey than the payroll data.
January's snowstorms probably had some effect on the anemic numbers, given that sectors like construction and transportation and warehousing shed jobs. The private sector added 50,000 jobs, so government layoffs, particularly at the state and local level, also restrained growth. Analysts had forecast an increase of about 145,000.
The mixed employment report came in a week when a mosaic of other indicators suggested a more upbeat outlook for the recovery. A closely watched survey of purchasing managers rose to its highest level since May 2004, and chain store sales increased at a faster pace than expected in January. On average, jobless claims have also been trending downward.
As a result, some economists said they would largely disregard January's data because of the snowstorms. Others, however, cautioned that underlying job growth was still not robust.
最後に、いつものグラフを New York Times の blog サイトである Economix から引用しておきます。いずこも同じ jobless recovery です。
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