昨日、米国の労働省から4月の米国雇用統計が発表されました。ヘッドラインとなる非農業部門雇用者数は季節調整済みの前月差で+244千人の増加、失業率は同じく季節調整済みの系列で前月よりも+0.2%ポイント上昇して9.0%となりました。まず、Wall Street Journal のサイトから記事の最初の7パラを引用すると以下の通りです。
Job Engine Shifts to Higher Gear
Companies cranked up hiring in April to the fastest pace in five years, easing fears that a recent lull in economic growth would mean fewer new jobs.
The government snapshot of the labor market showed the U.S. created 244,000 jobs in April. The private sector added 268,000 positions-the largest jump since 2006-offset by continued cuts at all levels of government. Most economists saw the month's strong job gains as confirmation that a recent slowdown in the economic expansion was likely temporary and that growth will pick up.
The report cheered investors and helped ease worries of a slowdown that sparked a selloff in commodities earlier this week. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 54.57 Friday, to close at 12638.74.
Even with strong hiring, the unemployment rate rose to 9% from 8.8% in March and remains stubbornly high. This apparent contradiction results from the Labor Department's two surveys-one of employers and one of households. The household tally, a smaller sample, is used to calculate the jobless rate. Over time, the results of the two surveys tend to converge, but in some months they move in opposite directions.
The jobless rate's climb in April isn't due, as it sometimes is, to more people rejoining the work force. Instead, the benchmark rose because the household survey found fewer people with jobs, including a sharp drop in farm and self-employed workers.
Friday's report appears to be in line with the Federal Reserve's view: The economy is growing fast enough to produce steady but unspectacular job growth that won't bring the unemployment rate down quickly. Before the report, many Fed officials were doubtful that the pace of unemployment improvements-the rate fell from 9.8% in November to 8.8% in March-could be sustained.
The Fed plans to end a $600 billion Treasury bond-buying program in June and keep short-term interest rates near zero for a while. Friday's report is unlikely to change that course.

何とか、雇用者数が20万人を超えて増加を始めましたが、逆に、雇用を諦めて労働市場から退出していた層が再び労働市場に戻って労働参加率が高まって、失業率は上昇しています。雇用者数の増加のペースが極めて緩やかであることも失業率上昇の一因です。その緩やかな雇用者数の増加を New York Times のブログ・サイトである Economix のサイトを真似て書いたのが以下のグラフです。景気循環のピークをベースに、雇用者数の増減をプロットしています。今回の景気後退のひとつの特徴ですが、雇用が大きく減少した上に、その後の回復のペースが極めて遅いことが見て取れます。

最後に、Los Angels Times のサイトにある州別の失業率のフラッシュに直リンしておきます。サイトでは3月の計数のようなタイトルになっていますが、4月の間違いだと思います。
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