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2011年10月 8日 (土)


昨日、米国の労働省から9月の米国雇用統計が発表されました。ヘッドラインとなる非農業部門雇用者数の前月差増減と失業率は、それぞれ、+103千人と9.1%でした。失業率は市場の事前コンセンサスと一致しましたが、非農業部門雇用者数の市場の事前コンセンサスは60千人でしたから、景気後退懸念が和らいだと受け止められています。しかし、まだまだ雇用の回復は極めて緩やかと言わざるを得ません。まず、少し長くなりますが、Los Angels Times のサイトから記事を引用すると以下の通りです。

Economy adds 103,000 jobs but jobless rate remains at 9.1%
Hiring picked up a bit in September as employers added 103,000 jobs over the month, the government said Friday in a report that's likely to ease fears that the economy is hurtling toward another recession.
But the job growth wasn't strong enough to lower the unemployment rate, which remained stuck at 9.1% for the third straight month. What's more, manufacturing payrolls shrank, and government continued its sharp cutbacks.
Still, the latest statistics provided some encouraging signs. The Labor Department said the average workweek for all private-sector workers edged up in September. And statisticians said employers in August added 57,000 jobs, not zero as previously reported, and July's job count was also revised up to 127,000 from 85,000 initially reported.
In all, that puts the third quarter's average monthly job growth at 96,000 jobs -- still not enough to keep up with the population growth and bring down the unemployment rate. Job growth averaged 166,000 a month in the first quarter of this year.
The September jobs were partially inflated by the return to work of striking Verizon workers, just as their temporary absence from their jobs lowered the August job numbers. Apart from that, professional and business services led the industries in job growth by adding 48,000 to their payrolls last month. Healthcare employment rose by 44,000, and the long-declining construction sector added an unexpectedly large 26,000 jobs over the month.
The ranks of the unemployed, however, remained at about 14 million. And about 45% of these workers last month said they had been without jobs for six months or more.
Also, the number of part-time workers who want full-time hours rose sharply over the month, to 9.3 million, from 8.8 million in August. Including these workers and those who have quit looking because they don't see hope of getting hired, the percent of unemployed and underemployed in the U.S. rose to 16.5% in September, up from 16.2% in the prior month.



失業率のグラフに特に明らかなんですが、先の Great Recession の期間中に、これだけ失業率の水準が上昇したにもかかわらず、極めて緩やかにしか低下する気配を示しません。非農業部門雇用者数の増減も、昨年のセンサスの時期に政府雇用者でややイレギュラーな動きを見せた一方で、大雑把にならしてみれば、10万人増のレベルで横ばいのように見えます。要するに、米国雇用の改善は極めて緩やかであるといえます。


今月はいつもの Jobless Recovery ではなく、上の通り、時間当たり賃金のグラフをピックアップしてみました。全産業の時間当たり賃金について、前年同月比上昇率をプロットしています。今年に入って少し上昇率が上向く兆しを見せ始めたような気がしたんですが、ここ2か月は再び2%を割り込んでいます。雇用者数や失業率が雇用の量的な指標であるのに対して、賃金は雇用の質的な指標です。しかも、賃金上昇率が低下を続けると日本のようにデフレの恐れも出て来ます。注目すべき指標と私は考えています。



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この記事へのトラックバック一覧です: まだまだ冴えない米国雇用統計のグラフィックス:

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