The Economist だけでなく Science と Nature も震災関係の表紙!

経済誌の The Economist だけではなく、科学誌の Science と Nature の表紙も震災関係でした。上の通り、Science は福島第一原発のプルトニウムとウランの混合酸化物燃料用の冷却プールを、Nature は陸前高田市の「奇跡の一本松」を、それぞれ表紙に使っています。Nature の最新号のタイトルは Rising from the Rubble 、すなわち、「がれきからの復興」です。それぞれのサイトからカバーストーリーを引用すると以下の通りです。
Cooling pool containing a plutonium-uranium mixed-oxide fuel rod at Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station, Japan, in August 2010. A tsunami on 11 March 2011 damaged three of the station's reactors, prompting reassessment of Japan's reliance on nuclear power and its approach to disaster preparedness. See the Review by Burns et al. (page 1184), as well as the related Editorial (page 1147) and News story (page 1164). Photo: Tomohiro Ohsumi/Bloomberg via Getty Images
It is almost a year since the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was crippled by earthquake and tsunami damage. In this special issue, we look at how Japan has set about rebuilding the communities that suffered most from the natural and nuclear disasters. In Japan and elsewhere, the Fukushima experience has caused much rethinking of the economics of nuclear power, and of the state of seismic and tsunami early-warning systems. On the cover, Rikuzentakata's 'tree of hope', a salt-damaged pine tree that survived the tsunami, pictured at sunrise on 1 January 2012. Credit: Tsuyoshi Matsumoto/Yomiuri Shimbun/AP
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