一昨日の24日、米国の世論調査機関ピュー・リサーチ・センターから「有権者にはやっぱり経済」 For Voters It's Still the Economy と題して、米国大統領選挙に関する世論調査結果が発表されています。4年前に比べてエネルギー、テロ、移民などの重要性が低下したと伝えています。長くなりますが、まず、ピュー・リサーチ・センターのサイトから調査の概要を引用すると以下の通りです。
As Barack Obama and Mitt Romney prepare for their first debate on Oct. 3, the issues at the top of the voters' agenda have changed little since 2008. Fully 87% of registered voters say that the economy will be very important to their vote, while 83% say jobs will be very important to their vote.
Four years ago, the economy also was the top priority for voters. In August 2008, an identical 87% said the economy was very important to their vote, and in October 2008, 80% rated jobs as very important.
However, the latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Sept. 12-16 among 3,019 adults, including 2,424 registered voters, finds that several other issues have declined in importance since 2008. Most notably, energy policy rated among the most important electoral issues in 2008 - 77% said it was very important to their vote. Today it ranks near the bottom of the voting priorities list at 55%.
Terrorism also has declined as a voting priority. Currently, 60% of voters say the issue of terrorism will be very important to their vote, down from 72% in August 2008.
Immigration is also less of a focus in 2012. In the new survey, 41% view the issue of immigration as very important - the lowest of 12 issues tested - compared with 52% in August 2008.
The survey also finds that far more voters continue to favor a smaller government with fewer services than a bigger government that provides more services. Currently, 56% say they would rather have a smaller government providing fewer services; 35% prefer a bigger government. These opinions have changed little over the course of Obama's presidency. In October 2008, however, opinion was more evenly divided (46% smaller government vs. 40% bigger government).
In addition, while the budget deficit remains a very important issue for most voters, there continues to be broad agreement that the best way to reduce the budget deficit is with a combination of tax increases and cuts in major programs. In the new survey, fully 69% of registered voters say the best way to reduce the federal budget deficit is with a combination of tax increases and spending cuts; just 16% say the focus should be mostly on cutting major programs and just 6% say the deficit should be reduced mostly by increasing taxes.
上の Overview は長いながら、よくまとまっています。広く報じられている通り、10月3日に両大統領候補者による最初のテレビ討論会が予定されていて、それに向けた世論調査なんですが、今夜のブログでは、主として有権者の政策のプライオリティ、政府の規模と財政赤字の削減方策、民主党と共和党の支持者の間で差のある優先順位などについて、図表を引用しつつ簡単に取り上げたいと思います。
Voters' Priorities のグラフは上の通りです。やっぱり、4年前の大統領選挙と同じように有権者の優先事項は経済や雇用が上位を占める一方で、エネルギーやテロや移民といったトピックは優先順位が低下しています。4年前の2008年の大統領選挙時と比較して、経済は87%で変わりないんですが、雇用は+3%ポイント増加している一方で、エネルギーは▲22%ポイント、テロは▲12%ポイント、移民は▲11%ポイント、それぞれ優先順位を低下させています。オバマ大統領とロムニー候補のどちらがどの分野に強いと受け止められているかは、後ほど取り上げます。