« CI一致指数が4か月振りの上昇を示した景気動向指数の先行きやいかに? | トップページ | やっぱり広島にもボロ負け!! »

2019年4月 6日 (土)


日本時間の昨夜、米国労働省から3月の米国雇用統計が公表されています。非農業雇用者数は前月統計からわずかに+196千人増と、降雪などで大きく伸びが鈍化した2月統計から一定の回復を示し、失業率も前月と同じ3.8%と低い水準を示しています。いずれも季節調整済みの系列です。まず、USA Today のサイトから記事を13パラ引用すると以下の通りです。

Economy added solid 196,000 jobs in March, unemployment stays at 3.8%
Hiring rebounded strongly in March as employers added 196,000 jobs, easing fears that payroll growth is slowing sharply amid a cooling economy.
The unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.8%, the Labor Department said Friday.
Economists surveyed by Bloomberg had estimated 175,000 jobs were added last month.
Job gains for January and February were revised up by a modest 14,000.
After severe, weather-related swings in employment early this year, economists largely anticipated a return to normalcy in March. If anything, Goldman Sachs reckoned below- average snowfall would bolster job gains by about 20,000.
Payroll growth was feeble in February, with just 33,000 additions, but that was largely blamed on weather as construction and leisure and hospitality had especially poor performances. Unusually mild temperatures pulled forward hiring to January, inflating that month's employment gains. An offsetting drop the following month was compounded by snowstorms.
Yet, the February showing was so paltry it raised concerns that hiring was tapering off more than anticipated as the benefits of federal tax cuts and spending increases fade and the low unemployment rate makes it harder for employers to find workers. The global economy, particularly Europe and China, also has been sputtering, hurting manufacturers.
Economists eagerly awaited the March jobs report to help determine whether the February totals reflected a blip or the start of a steeper downshift in hiring and the economy.
Employers added a robust average of 223,000 jobs a month in 2018, but analysts expect employment growth to throttle back this year amid the slowing economy and worker shortages. Many predict average monthly gains of about 165,000. In the first quarter, the average was 180,000.
"The gradual slowdown in trend employment growth is another sign that the economy is weakening," economist Paul Ashworth of Capital Economics wrote in a note to clients.
Average hourly earnings rose 4 cents to $27.70, lowering the annual gain from a 10-year high of 3.4% to 3.2%.
Wage growth has picked up as employers compete for a dwindling supply of available workers. The faster pay increases haven't yet prompted most companies to pass their rising labor costs to consumers through higher prices, keeping inflation subdued.
But further earnings gains eventually could lead to stronger inflation, posing a dilemma for a Federal Reserve that has vowed to remain patient and forecast no interest rate hikes this year. March's annual pullback helps keep the Fed in its market friendly wait-and-see mode.



繰り返しになりますが、2月の雇用は降雪や寒波などの気候条件の影響で、+33千人増と大きく伸びが鈍化しましたが、3月統計では+196千人増と回復しています。1~3月の3か月平均でも+180千人増と底堅い動きと私は評価しています。失業率も前月に続いて3.8%ですから、歴史的に見ても低い水準といえます。ただ、雇用増をけん引したのはヘルスケア+61.2千人増やレジャー+33千人増などであり、個人消費のバロメータとなる小売業は2月の▲20.2千人減に続いて、3月も▲11.7千人減と大きなマイナスを記録しています。小売業については、今年2019年のイースターが4月19日のグッドフライデーから始まりますので、4月統計を見たい気もします。さらに、今年に入って1~2月はプラスを記録していた製造業が3月は▲6千人減とマイナスに転じています。▲6.3千人減の自動車産業が製造業の減少の主因となっています。海外経済の低迷が主因なんでしょうが、これは米国から仕掛けた貿易摩擦ですから、覚悟の上なのかもしれません。金融政策動向について見ると、景気の先行き不安を受けて市場の一部には年内に利下げに転じるとの見方まで出始めているようですが、引用した記事の最後にもあるように、"market friendly wait-and-see mode" が続きそうな気がします。




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« CI一致指数が4か月振りの上昇を示した景気動向指数の先行きやいかに? | トップページ | やっぱり広島にもボロ負け!! »